Special Announcements 2021
Congratulations to the Three Softball Amigos!
St. Kenneth celebrates Jim McLaughlin, Lane Ritter and Raymond Smock for (40+) years of being members of the St Kenneth softball team.
Lane and Ray are the original founding members of the St Kenneth team joining the NCSL in 1979, while Jim joined the team in 1980 and has served as it’s head coach for (35) years.
Jim has also served as a league board member for over (25+) years.

Octogenarian Len Koelzer, Sr. played in his first game this season on Monday, July 19. That appearance made it forty years of play for Len. Len has been part of St. John blue’s team since it’s inception, serving as player, manager, and sponsor over the forty years. Additionally, three sons (Len, Jr., Mike, and Pat) and one grandson (Tim) have played on St. John Blue’s team with him. Please congratulate Len on his feat.

On Tuesday, July 5 the St. Mary Cause of Our Joy team and parish honored Gene Boduch for his dedicated service to the parish and as president of the NCSL. Pictured is Gene with his family under the sign