Northwest Catholic Softball League


NCSL season 2024


The Northwest Catholic Softball League will be starting the 2024 season (67 years) in April.

We are currently looking to expand out members by adding additional players and teams. The league is comprised of different divisions depending on skill level. All men must be at least 27 years old. Our games are played once a week Monday-Wednesday evenings.

We also have a senior division for players 50 and older, which plays on Thursday evening. If you are interested in playing or adding a team, please contact:

  • Ted Corbeill (President),  248-789-5901
  • Greg Ciccone (Secretary),  734-545-3568


Registration night Tuesday March 25, 6:30 to 8:00 PM at St. John Neuman in the Richard room.

Fees are the same as last year: $550 for 30 and over, $450 for Classic Division. You can subtract $5 for each new unused ball that you may have. 

  • Turn-in the entry fee.
  • Pick-up softballs, please bring a bag for balls.
  • Pick up roster and score sheets.
  • Verify the team information is correct on the contact list.
  • Turn in any request regarding the upcoming season (game times, field choices, etc.)

There is no formal meeting just drop-in pay the fee and pick-up your items. 

Summary of the by-law changes that were approved by vote of the managers at the meeting held 1/30/25.

1) The base runner coming home MUST cross the ‘finish’ line only. The finish line will be perpendicular to the 3rd base and extending from the backstop toward the right top corner of the strike mat, stopping 4ft. (if possible) from the strike mat. Players passing between the end of the finish line and home plate or beyond will be declared out by the umpire

2) Home team bench will be determined on a first come, first served, in the regular season. For the playoffs the Home team will be determined by the highest ranked team in the playoff bracket.

3) Synthetic cover softballs are approved and will be provided by the league.

4) Article VI , Section 5. The sentence stating the catcher was not eligible to make the out in a run down/ pickle, was eliminated.

5) The number of regular season games a player must play in, or be listed as unable to play a the bottom of the scoresheet, in at least 5 of the games the team plays.


1) Any hit that passes all infielders (including the rover), without being touched, cannot be thrown to first base to put out the hitter/runner unless the runner makes the effort to reach 2nd and is tagged out returning to first. Force outs at any other base or home plate are allowed.

Managers should review the links below before the meeting regarding possible changes for the 2025 season.

If you have pictures that you would like to add to the website, please email them to

NCSL League

The Northwest Catholic Softball League is a non-profit organization that provides adult softball in the West – Northwest Detroit area for men over the age of 27. Since 1958, the League has provided recreational softball, competitive at multiple levels, for Catholic men affiliated with parishes in the Northwest Vicariate.